Sunday, December 11, 2011

So What Happened Next?

After declaring to Jody Michelle (all our four legged family members have double names...makes it easier to call them and really mean it...just like my mother did when I was a child and she used my WHOLE name) that my house was for sale, I called the number in the ad and was able to see it that afternoon. So what did it look like when I first saw it? This is at least a somewhat better picture of the outside than the one in the ad.

Remember that it was being used for Sunday School classrooms with an occasional wedding reception thrown in. Here is the hall looking toward the back porch. The 12 ft ceilings and original ceiling fans sealed the deal. I was hooked.

This is the living room; pocket doors between the living and dining room...french doors into the hall. Yep, this is THE house. Hmmm...wonder what's under that almost new carpet? The wheels started turning...

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